Shirts off, T-shirts on!

Over at Turn Key, we love a good competition, even more so when we can all get in on the action! Over the past month we’ve gone T-shirt crazy as we were challenged to channel our creative juices into the form of a funky top starring the fabulous TK logo!

There were ten entries in total designed by the creative experts amongst us.  Here’s a look at the good, the bad and the (slightly) ugly competitors:

The idea behind the competition was to design a modern, trendy T to be printed for every member of team TK. As the deadline for competition entries passed, voting commenced and we, along with guest judge and our favourite photographer, Guy Farrow, picked our preferred style.

It was a tough decision but our Senior Designer, Phill Smith triumphed and was named the winner with his black ‘block’ design:

When quizzed about his inspiration for the creation, Phill said he’d aimed to design a cool T-shirt that everyone could wear. As for the mysterious black block on the front… he wanted to get everyone’s imaginations going to interpret the meanings behind it.

Phill will be adapting his design to perfection over the next few days before it is sent to the printers – needless to say we are all itching to try it on!