Lessons of a Turn Key intern

First things first, I’m Tom Richmond, 21, and entering the third year of my Language, Literacy & Communication degree at the University of Manchester. This past week I have been Turn Key’s most recent intern. With just a week-long placement, I wanted to throw myself into the PR and marketing deep end and, to put it bluntly, find out what on earth I want to do with my life!

I’ve learnt a lot about the company, about the PR and marketing professions, and about myself (I definitely don’t like tea!). Here are just some of the lessons I’ve learnt in the past week:

Lesson 1 – #teamturnkey

Upon entering the office, the team ethos and welcoming nature of every member of staff was thrust upon me. After half an hour I’d received my first tweet, ten minutes later I was sitting in the Monday morning PR team meeting and within a few hours felt like I’d been at TK for years.

Lesson 2 – Be careful what you wish for!

Throw myself in the deep end? If I hadn’t, I’d have been pushed! Straight away the extra pair of hands I provided was utilised to the absolute maximum. There’s no sitting around making tea (although Nik did ask for a black coffee or two!) Competitor research, team brainstorming and developing the PR ideas board was all in a day’s work for me, I even wrote my very first press release about Turn Key!

Lesson 3 – If you can’t juggle, this isn’t for you

I seriously couldn’t believe how many tasks these guys successfully juggle on a day-to-day basis. The planning, time management and commitment to every second in the office was staggering and something I immediately felt rub-off on me.

Witnessing the intricate workings of the PR and marketing machines, I soon understood the time that goes into liaising with existing, new and potential clients effectively. On top of that, seeing first-hand the extensive research that goes into every single project and how each department works fluidly to present themselves as one to the client.

Lesson 4 – Bring earplugs if Samara’s singing

No elaboration necessary!

Now, sitting writing at the end of a hectic week, it’s odd not to have that ‘Friday feeling’, as for me it inevitably means the end of my time with Turn Key. So Turn Key, thank you. I have had an incredible time and I really feel, in only this short space of time, I have taken a massive step towards shaping my future. I look forward to seeing you all soon!

In the meantime, follow me on Twitter