Green, Pink or Blue with envy?

I’m sure that all of you will have seen the latest series of ads for Porsche Strasse from the retouching genius that is our Creative Director, Richard Colvill and renowned photographer, Guy Farrow. The ‘Seven Sins’ concept has so far featured everything from a ‘cake car’ to one covered in mirrors; ticking off gluttony, sloth, vanity and wrath.

The latest in the series is envy, but three different design concepts and some indecision over which shot should triumph, led to a Twitter and Facebook vote and we are pleased to announce that the results are in…

Green was a clear winner; as well as being the obvious colour choice for envy, voters also favoured the movement created in the paint splash and declared it a retouching triumph! Although it was closely followed by pink, with a whole lot of love for the destructive qualities of the sledgehammer – perhaps saying more about those who commented than the design itself?!

All that’s left to say is make sure you look out for the chosen ad in the Porsche magazine soon!