Creative Week at Turn Key Towers

This week at Turn Key we’re celebrating #CreativeWeekUK , a national awareness initiative sponsored by Adobe that celebrates all things creative.

We like to think of ourselves as creative experts here at TK Towers! Whether at home or at work, we express our creativity in multiple ways across hundreds of channels; from writing blogs to designing websites, taking photos to baking cakes. In honour of Adobe’s week-long campaign , some of the TK team from our creative, marketing, digital, PR and operations departments are giving you a little insight into their creative thought processes and how they interpret and express creativity!

Paul Hainsworth, Designer

Creativity for me is being imaginative and original and applying that into something visual or tangible. I feel there is no structure, form or process to creativity; it’s not something you do – anyone just can’t sit down and ‘be creative’ – it’s something you are born with and nurture over time, it’s about paying attention to every detail around you, from the moment you wake up to getting into bed at night.

I get inspired by pretty much everything; if I see a piece of advertising that I really like it pushes me to want to do something better or if I see work I feel is poor, I remember the mistakes other people have made and try not to make them in my own design. My ultimate creative hero is Steve Jobs; his vision has given the world some of the most beautiful and amazing never-seen-before products.

Samara Bott, PR Account Manager

I think creativity is anything which evokes some kind of emotion. I can look at a piece of design, a headline or just a passer-by wearing an interesting coat and think how creative he/she has been to grab my attention and subsequently evoke an emotion or response of some kind. Marmite is a brand I’ve always admired for pushing creative boundaries in marketing and PR, the recent Marmarati campaign was fantastic and inspired me to try more new things with social media moving forward.

Other peoples’ creativity inspires me to be creative. My best friend took an incredible photograph whilst travelling in Mongolia and it is still my favourite photograph ever taken! You can learn a lot from the people you associate yourself with; my colleagues inspire my creativity daily, along with a sugary tea to get myself in the zone!

Tess Eaton, Marketing Account Manager

Creativity for me is looking at the world in different ways and noticing interesting things, then passing these onto other people through things that you do. Creativity is about not accepting the ordinary or the usual, but digging around to find something special, more colourful or unusual and looking at life from a different view.

I get inspired by everything; the world around me, other people, things that I see in magazines such as Oh Comely! or sites such as Pinterest , nature, my friends, books, visiting new cities, great independent cafés, restaurants and art galleries.

James Wray, Digital Account Director

I think creativity is the ability to learn, soaking up knowledge from many different sources and across different aspects of life, and then applying this knowledge to the task at hand. It is creating freedom of thought and expression, within a disciplined environment that is your work. As a digital marketing specialist, I express creativity through developing digital marketing strategies, search engine optimisation, exploring web development techniques and delivering marketing campaigns that work. There are so many websites and designs that I feel are rich in creativity, recently I’ve admired and .

Music has to be the best form of creativity in my opinion, although I do love Malcolm Gladwell !

Nik Entwistle, Managing Director

I think, no matter what channel in which it is being expressed, creativity is something that makes you go wow! Turn Key is a hub of creativity and we all express it in countless ways. A good environment is key to this process, having the freedom to express your thoughts and opinions without preconceptions or limitations. The team inspires me everyday to be more creative!

Carl Holderness, Junior Designer

For me the studio environment is very important; whether at work or university. Interaction with fellow designers at TK is one of the main aspects of this environment that provides a boost to think conceptually and not stagnate. This social interaction is extended especially as a young designer through the internet, as vast and broad as it is, it is a constantly updated visual reference for what is going on in the world of design. Sites such as the Behance network and showcase a fresh and broad range of creative work by inspiring designers, providing a good talking point in studio.

The recent really caught my attention. It’s an incredible idea in terms of visual and online engagement and leverages Superga’s customer base of creative, technological and social people. As a creative and an avid user of Instagram, I couldn’t wait to get involved in the concept. Needless to say, there were hundreds of entries submitted internationally.