A trip to the North East

Whilst everyone in Leeds celebrated the visit of the Queen, the Accoya team braved through a political rally in Sunderland to see our Accoya Exhibition designs coming to life.

Meeting with our clients in a warehouse (complete with in-house seagulls), we came face to face with the latest life-sized Accoya exhibition stand, which is an impressive sight at 4m high. Along with the printers and stand builders, we looked at every aspect of the stand in close detail, from the design, printing and build, thinking of ways to make it smarter and look even better. We have been designing the Accoya and Tricoya stands for many years, and have seen the brand evolve and the stands become ever more popular. In fact at Ecobuild this year they had 238 contact badges scanned on site, compared to just 120 the year before. At least 600 product brochures were given out and the client was very happy!

We look forward to taking even bigger and better stands to Timber Expo in Coventry , Bolig Forum in Norway, Greenbuild in San Francisco and Hout and Habitat in Belgium this year, with plenty more to follow in 2013.