Congratulations to Nik and Melissa on their beautiful new addition!

Nik, Melissa and Alfie

Nik, Melissa and Alfie

Some snap shots of the latest Porsche ad – from RAW to 3 potential ideas. It’s good to share.

Brilliantly put together film showing the ideas and the people and the processes behind creating the mag.

Alternative movie posters…

Featured by numerous people in the blogosphere, we still love these posters by Olly Moss…

Laura, Rich and Mason!

New member of the TK team - Mason Colvill!

Mason Colvill joins the TK family. Alfie Entwistle to follow shortly…

Less is more…

People are suggesting that when minimalist packaging arrives on cigarettes, others may follow.

As reported over at SwissMiss : ‘Antrepo took a few examples of product packaging and stripped them back to the bare bones.’

I’d weigh a lot more if food was packaged in such a way, I’m sure…

As featured in the Johnson Banks Best of 2010 ; the beautiful Dutch offering:  Atlas of the New Dutch Water Defence Line .

A lot more beautiful than it sounds.