Turn Key spent a (chilly) morning living the fast life with Porsches and horses. Following on from the very successful competition in the Porsche Post (“Your car, the star”), the winner of the competition (Adrian Hitchenor – pictured below) provided his car and horse for the photoshoot – watch this space for the finished advert soon!

Some seriously cringe-inducing moments.

Courtesy of the always excellent Quipsologies .

The TK snowball fight game is live. Good luck getting on the leaderboard (I’m sure I’m the only one round here that does any work).

Click here to sling a selection of festive projectiles…

Jenga pistol.

Want one.

A warm welcome goes out to Tom O’Brien, PR Guru and Tom Brierley, 72 dpi design protégé.*

*Shoes shown above are simply for illustrative purposes – Tom B’s shoes are in much worse condition

These guys are renowned for their music videos more than their tunes. I generally watch their stuff on mute.

Here’s their latest offering.



I’ve just witnessed the work of Simon Schubert via Quipsologies , and it’s pretty darn impressive.

He works by ’simply’ folding a single sheet of paper…


We’ve just finished some work for our first luxury cashmere client. These shots show Sean & Rich’s trip to the printer to cast their eagle eyes over the foiling.

Some shots of the brochure itself will be up soon. To find out more about N.PEAL, click here.

There seems to be a worryingly increasing trend of agencies asking for more and more from interns and offering little (or nothing) in return. It seems unfair to ask for an experienced junior designer (wouldn’t this render them no longer junior?) never mind an ‘experienced intern’ which I have seen a couple of times recently.

I agree that it’s an important and often necessary step in a young designer’s career to take part in an internship, however, it seems grossly unfair in asking for someone qualified to do the work of a full-time, experienced designer, when offering them – at best – their travel expenses and a few Rich Tea biscuits in return.

There, rant over.